Christian Fellowship Church came to us in August of 2017 with an unusual request- they needed to locate, purchase, and construct a new facility in under 3 years- a challenge just to permit and build within that timeframe in the DC area. The existing church building was purchased by a data center operation; but such required a very fast decision/ construction process, something which is typically foreign to church construction.
KCM immediately went to work in conceptual budgeting and design team selection. We evaluated two sites the church had under consideration, and in January 2018, CFC purchased the property at One Loudoun, a growing destination point in Loudoun County. Given the mandate to complete the project for Easter 2020 service, we fast tracked site and full building permit submissions, and broke ground 10 months following land acquisition.
Despite challenges of fast tracking decision, wet soils due to an abnormally wet summer, and COVID-19 restrictions, Davis Construction completed the project 13 days early. The final contract value was less than the initial contract value and the project won an ABC Excellence in Construction Award.
Initial GMP: $22,994,884
Final GMP: $22,859,601
% Change Orders: -0.6%